Braised blueback with white wine sauce



Prep Time:
20 minutes
Cooking Time:
40 minutes

The blueback salmon can be a small Artic char, a Pink Pacific salmon or and Atlantic grilse, all weighing between 3 to 5 pounds.

  • For the Braised blueback with white wine sauce:
  •  Tags for<b>Braised blueback with white wine sauce
  • Tags for Braised blueback with white wine sauce
  • main ingredients:
  • salmon Pageturner Cookbook
  • butter Pageturner Cookbook
  • eggs Pageturner Cookbook
  • white-wine Pageturner Cookbook
  • cream Pageturner Cookbook
  • type of dish:
  • main Pageturner Cookbook
  • Country cuisine:
  • American Pageturner Cookbook
  • specific recipes:
  • entertaining Pageturner Cookbook
  • season and occasion:
  • Fathers-Day Pageturner Cookbook
  • Type of meal:
  • dinner Pageturner Cookbook
  • Cook Mode (Keep screen awake)


    • 2 tablespoon butter
      5 medium shallots, peeled, minced
      1-5 pound whole dressed salmon
      3 cups dry white wine
      to taste salt ground white pepper
      1 bouquet garni
      2 tablespoon butter
      3 slices white bread
      2 tablespoon vegetable oil
      4 egg yolks
      1 cup heavy cream


    Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Melt two tablespoons of butter in a saucepan. Add the minced shallots and cook until golden. Spread into a baking pan large enough to hold the salmon.
    Scale salmon. Wash under cold water. Pat dry. Place the whole fish, lying flat on the baking pan. Season the cavity with salt and pepper. Add the bouquet garni. Dot the fish with the two tablespoons of butter. Cover the pan with aluminum foil, and bake Measure the salmon at its thickest part. Bake 12 minutes per inch thickness. Baste the fish occasionally. While the fish is cooking, remove the crust from the bread. Cut the slices into triangles. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Fry the bread triangles in oil until golden brown on both sides. Remove from pan and keep warm. When the salmon in done, transfer to a large serving platter. Remove skin from the top side. Cover with foil, and keep in a warm place. Strain the cooking liquid and reduce to two cups. Beat the egg yolks with the cream. Pour into the reduced hot cooking liquid and whisk over low heat until the sauce thickens lightly. Do not boil the sauce as it may separate. Season to taste.

    Starting at tail end, use a fish knife and fork to cut the top fillet into serving size portions. Slide knife between the fillet and bone to lift the portions. Arrange each portion in the center of warm plates. Before serving the bottom fillet, lift off tail and pull backbone away from flesh, removing the head all in one piece. Bottom fillet is now boneless and easy to lift into serving size portions. Free skin from portions before serving. Spoon the sauce over salmon. Garnish each plate with two slices of fried bread.

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